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[COVID19 vaccination] COVID-19 Booster Shot for foreigners in Korea(over 18)

작성일 : 2022.03.10 | 조회수 : 252

* Please check the attached files(English, Chinese, Vietnamese)


Covid-19 Booster shot for foreigners in Korea(over 18)


Risk of infection is likely to increase as time goes by after the first vaccination shot. It is recommended to have booster shot in order to prevent infection and deterioration.

According to statistics, foreigners are less likely to have booster shot and their infection rate is relatively high, so please have booster shot for your safety in Korea.

For those who finished their first two shots in korea or aborad, the booster shot is at no cost.


ㅇ Booster shot period

- You can have booster shot after 3month(90days)since basic vaccination. Those who got Janssen can get booster shot after 2month(60days).

*Basic vaccination: twice for Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, once for Janssen

- The vaccine pass will be outdated if you do not get the booster shot within 6months after finishing the basic vaccination. It will be reusable right after the booster.


ㅇ Kinds of vaccine and where to get the booster shot

- Currently booster shots are available in mRNA vaccines(Pfizer,Moderna). If you had Janssen previously and wish to have janssen for the booster, please contact the healthcare center in your area.

- You can get vaccinated in healthcare centers and hospitals regardless of your health insurance.


ㅇ How to reserve

① For those who got vaccinated in korea before

1) Registered foreigners : You can use phone call or online website like you had done before.

* Online reservation: Reserve after verification on https://ncvr.kdca.go.kr

** Phone call: You can reserve on 1339or you can find numbers on https://ncv.kdca.go.kr ‘current status of COVID-19 vaccination phone reservation’

2) Unregistered foreigners(including illegal residents) : You can use the vaccination number from your healthcare center when you got vaccine shot for last time to make reservation by telephone, or visiting the healthcare center(or hospital).

② For those who got vaccinated outside of Korea(including short-term visitors who are staying under 90 days)

- Please visit your nearest healthcare center, get your temporary vaccination number issued in order to register your vaccination record, and make reservation by telephone, or visiting the healthcare center(or hospital).

Registered foreigners do not need to issue temporary vaccination number.


※ Note:

- Your identification information will only be used for vaccination procedure. Korean immigration office will not be reported about your residency or overstaying.

- For further questions, please take a look into https://ncv.kdca.go.kr

  • 담당부서 : 학생복지처 (042-630-9641)