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Peer Group Programme 참가자 모집

작성일 : 2007.05.03 | 조회수 : 9,411
Peer Group Programme 참가자 모집 Wanted : Peer Group Leaders
우송대학교 솔브릿지 국제대학에서는 문화 교류를 통하여 신입 외국인 학생들의 적응을 돕고 서로 간의 이해를 증진시키기 위한 Peer Group Programme에 적극적이고 재능있는 우송대학교 재학생을 모집합니다. -What is SolBridge Peer Group Programme? SolBridge Peer Group Programme is designed to promote mutual understanding and culture exchange between incoming international students and Woo Song students. Each peer group consists of one Group Leader and three to five team members; or two Group Leaders may choose to cooperate and conduct their group activities together. There will be a Chief Group Leader and a Vice Chief Group Leader selected by all the Group Leaders. - What to do?   As a peer group leader, you will need to:    ▷ Help international students to adjust themselves to the new environment    ▷ Contact your peer group via meeting/ email / phone weekly    ▷ Send monthly briefing to the Chief Group Leader   As the Chief Group Leader and the Vice Chief Group Leader, you will need to:   ▷ Plan/ Conduct meetings, events and activities   ▷ Manage Group Leaders and information   ▷ Send feedback to Student Advisors -What will you get?   ▷ Basic training course.   ▷ The cultivation of leadership skills and qualities   ▷ Knowledge and understanding about other cultures and global issues.   ▷ The opportunity to meet new friends.   ▷ The opportunity to learn to speak a new language. - What kind of people are we looking for?   Each semester we put our advertisement on the Woosong University website and campus to recruit peer group leaders.   Requirement for these positions will be:   1. Basic English Language Ability (any other language would be a plus);   2. Basic Communication Skill and Enthusiasm;   3. Familiarity with Korea, Daejeon, or Woosong University. - How to apply?    Please contact SolBridge Student Services: 630-9234    Or e-mail: info@wsu.ac.kr